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Boost your employees' wellbeing whilst working from home


For many employees, working from home has become a long term reality which requires many adjustments.  With the kitchen nearby, cupboards brimming with snacks, and unregulated meal times, sticking to a healthy diet can be one of the greatest challenges. 

Constant snacking throughout the day is likely to wreak havoc with energy levels, affecting focus and concentration and ultimately… the productivity of YOUR organisation.

More than ever, planning is key to a successful, productive working day and whilst the early morning commute would often put paid to making a healthy breakfast or fitting in exercise, that extra hour can now be put to good use.

By front-loading the day with a spot of meal planning,  chopping salad veg for lunch or throwing something into the slow cooker for the evening,  much can be achieved to optimise the working day before your employee has even sat down at their home desk.

The benefits of healthy eating can be far-reaching and include:

- Lasting energy

- Healthy body weight

- Healthy heart

- Improved joint health, fewer aches and pains

- A healthy heart

- Better mood and less anxiety

- Stronger immune system

- Greater resilience to stress… and more

A healthy eating strategy for your WFH staff at this challenging time will not only improve the physical and emotional wellbeing of your staff, but benefit your organisation/business as a whole.

I’ve run many remote consultations for employees, helping them to feel more confident about their food choices.  If you’d like to discuss how you can implement a healthy eating strategy for your WFH employees, please get in touch or 07768 478444.



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